Thursday, January 10, 2013

Technology (or lack thereof) in my teaching

Suggested Prompt: 
Make your first post on your blog. You might talk about your reasons for taking EDHI9040, experiences teaching or learning with technology, or your preconceptions of blogging. 

I wanted to take EDHI 9040 because I don't feel particularly adroit when it comes to using technology, never mind leveraging it for creative classroom purposes. I feel like I could do more with what's available. 

Last semester I taught a class for pre-service elementary school teachers. For that class, the most "tech-savvy" things I did were to make a wiki and to invite a guest speaker via Skype. That's it. Toward the end of the semester I tried to incorporate a topic-related video each day because even though I thought the readings were dynamic and thought-provoking enough on their own, my students clearly did not agree with me. 

I'm also taking EDHI9040 because I'm concurrently taking an online TESOL methods course. My adviser told me that part of the reason that instructor was hired was because she is so creative when it comes to teaching online. I think it will be very helpful to take this class while taking an online class so that I can observe firsthand how someone in my field incorporates technology. 


  1. Hey Brittany! I started a google doc for the Flipping the Classroom talk for us to share info and ideas. If you shoot me your email address, I can share the document and make you an editor. Thanks and talk to you later.

  2. I look forward to hearing about your experiences in the online course, particularly when our class moves online and we do some reading about best practices.

    I also hope you will share your experiences using Skype, video, and wikis, perhaps in future blog posts or in class. While these technologies have become more common in the last few years, I know your classmates will appreciate learning your strategies!

  3. Hey Brittany! Looking forward to working with you on the Team tech talks! Cool that you've had some experience making videos about different topics for the class you taught last semester - I've never made videos for teaching before, and it will be great to learn from you about how to make it work!
